Thursday, July 7, 2011

Paria, Utah

Pahreah is the heart of the Grand Staircase-Escalante. With this areas beautiful scenery and rich history it makes the most wonderful spot for a three day hike and play trip.

But you want to know my favorite part of this area? 

The Cemetery!!!

The Gates.
Welcome to Paria

"Those people had a hard life but they were hardy people."
"The families and friends of pioneer and Paiute people
buried in this cemetery still live in this area
and honor their ancestors."

This is the memorial of the Paria cemetery.

The names of the people buried here are on this memorial
 because all of the head stones have weathered away
and are no longer visible.

This is the plack on the memorial with all the
names and dates of the people.
They date from 1877-1897!

(To see these photos enlarged click on them)

The memorial is covered in flint.

Flint is a type of rock the the Native Americans
use to make arrow heads for hunting.

A silent stare......

The cemetery is covered with wild flowers.

Look over the cemetery.

The beautiful scenery of the cemetery.

An original head stone.



Puppy butt :)

Head stones  -New-




Taking a peek through the fence.

What a beautiful day.

Because there is so much to explore, so many different 
smells to sniff, and the Paria river is fun for them to
splash and play in to cool off.  Please be considerate
and carry a leash, extra water, and a pooper pick-up bag.

Thank you for reading this article.

Hope you have fun!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obon Festival

Obon or just Bon is the day of the year that the Japanese celebrate
their deceased loved ones and ancestors.  

Its about spirituality, being with family, and having fun!

The Japanese honor their ancestors
by cleaning the graves and preparing the favorite dishes of their loved ones who have passed on.


This one looks like it might be my favorite :3

 And there is a street celebration, where vendors sell food and the 
dance odori is done in the evening.

      There are drummers on a 6 foot tower/stage or on the ground 
playing beats for the odori dancers.
  Odori dancers dance around the tower that the drummers are on or dance down the street, 
bystanders are encouraged to join the bon odori dance as well.

 dancing around the stage

 dancing down the street

Dancing around the tower.

"Many sources say that the origins of the dance are due to the story of Mokuren, a disciple of Buddha. For those of you that have not heard the story, it goes something like this:

 please go to this link

 --------> <-------

 Altars, Memorials and Graves. Oh, my!

and finally at the end of the bon festival we make floating lanterns that guide the deceased back
 to the realm of spirits.

Thank You For Reading, Have A Nice Night!

Love, Morticia

Monday, January 17, 2011


Are there other options to my burial?  Do i HAVE to be buried in a box??? NO!!! 

There ARE other options to death..........CREMATION!!!  Its cool and you can always have that special person in your home or scatter them...Sorry I'm getting ahead of my self here.

Cremation is in stead of being buried in a casket you are burned in a cardboard or wood box in a cremator  its like a HUGE fireplace.  The cremator gets up to 1600-1800 degrees and it takes almost 
2 -1/2 hours for a body to completely burn down, But most of the bones and any metal doesn't burn down. So the bones are crushed and ground to dust.  The metal is picked out because its not part of you when you are born. Then the remains are scraped out and put in an urn (an urn is a jar that holds human remains). 

As you would guess its inexpensive because your not embalmed (embalming costs about $800.-$900.) All the professional services like staff for service, bathing, cosmetics, filling out important paper work, transporting the body, housing the body, can cost up to $3600.!!!  It all comes to about $8,050 to be viewed and buried.  And about $1200. to be cremated.

Columbarium is a chapel-mausoleum that has a lot of little compartments (called niches) that hold urn's with remains in them.  You can scatter the ashes almost anywhere you would like, Or you can be buried in the ground after your burned.

 Here's a pic. of a old cremator. and urn.

And a pic. of a modern cremator.

                                                           There are lots of different urn's.

One of a pet kitty cat.

These are mausoleum's

And a few pics. of niche's (below)

Niches with urn's and memorial's in them.

Thank you for reading

Saturday, November 20, 2010


 "If you die in an elevator, be sure to press the up button."
-Sam Levenson

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Welcome to Kanab City Cemetery

Kanab Utah,  also known as "Utah's Little Hollywood" because there were many movies filmed here.
Kanab is a small country town, nice sized cemetery, and nice people.  

Here are some pics. and learning comments (to go with the photos.)  This is the front gates of the Cemetery, Welcome to Beyond the Gates!!!!

The Entrance Gates
Boulevard of Flag Poles lining the  main road of the Cemetery
(left)           "that government of the people by the people for the people shall not perish from
                     the earth"  --Abraham Lincoln

This Avenue of Flags. was created as a Memorial to brave men and women who honorably
serve our country in the armed forces.
This project was initiated by the Kanab women's civic club.
It was completed with generous gifts of Flags, money, labor and time from veterans,  
individuals, families, civic organizations,  and Kanab city.

Avenue of Flags dedicated 1994
       Monument dedicated 2002
(right)           This Monument rising from broken pieces is a symbol of those we honor.  Pioneers with broken lives but enduring Faith settled here.

Veterans of military conflicts, and their families, with courage pieced together lives
shattered by events not of their making.
Today we face both grim challenges and bright opportunities.  May our choices reflect the spirit 
of those who came before.        
May those who pause to read these lines find renewed hope and courage!
Kanab Heritage Council  2002

These pic.s tell a story of the grave stone, and all the little ones below it, and the red hill.     
These are my great grandparent's, they never lived in Kanab, but they wanted to be with all the little children (that's what all the small unmarked grave's are) they felt bad because they were out there all alone, and they loved the view from the Cemetery. 

   I love this grave because all the growth, at the base of the grave, is mint leaves.  
They smell sooooo wonderfull!

Lamb on a mountain.  

It's easy to spot the grave of a child, because most of them have a lamb. 

  This is a grave in the cemetery, all it is are piled rocks,
  but were is the name???

                                                           Oh!  There it is, that's cool!

I was trolling around the cemetery, and a man was nice enough to let me take pic.s 
while he was setting up the grave.  
To the nice man, thank you again!!!

Another pic. of the open grave,  pretty right???

       Small cross.
I thought this was a nice way to leave something beautiful.

 Zodiac Sundial

Here's something to do before you die, get your grave stone ready!!

                            Very cool gazebo.                               

        A grave stone that broke and got glued back together.

This is a very pretty sun flower, decor piece that was behind a grave.

Gazing over the Kanab cemetery.

Front gates.
now to tell you guys one more story.
This is where the first cemetery in Kanab was, (on the north end of the town), but they decided to move it so they could build houses.  A man was hired to move all the bodies to where the cemetery is now, and rebury them, but one day while the man was still moving the body's he died.  Most believe that because he was disturbing the dead, is the reason why he died.  Here's a tip, if you plan on living for 70 more years, DON'T MESS WITH THE DEAD THEY WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!
 There are no gravestones, but there is a memorial with the names and the dates of the people that are buried here.

One more look at the cemetery before we leave.

 Good bye Kanab cemetery see you next time.

 Hope you have enjoyed this article.